5G registration rejected with error unspecified 24

5G Registration Rejected with Error Unspecified 24: {Fixed}

In the ever-evolving world of mobile technology, 5G has sparked a revolution in connectivity. But even this cutting-edge network isn’t immune to hiccups. Imagine this: you’re all set to dive into the lightning-fast 5G world, only to be greeted by the “5G registration rejected with error unspecified 24” message. It’s like being handed a shiny new toy, only to find out the batteries are dead. This perplexing error can leave even the most tech-savvy users scratching their heads.

Fear not, for this article is here to shed light on this mysterious error and arm you with the know-how to tackle it head-on. We’ll dive deep into the nitty-gritty of Error Unspecified 24, exploring its causes and potential fixes. From authentication failures to USIM issues, we’ll cover all the bases. Plus, we’ll walk you through a treasure trove of troubleshooting steps, ensuring you’re well-equipped to get your 5G connection up and running smoothly. So, buckle up and get ready to become a 5G error-busting pro!

Understanding Error Unspecified 24 in 5G Registration

5G Registration Rejected with Error fix

What is Error Unspecified 24?

Error Unspecified 24 is like the mysterious villain in a tech thriller. It’s a 5GMM (5G Mobility Management) cause that pops up when the UE (User Equipment) rejects the security mode command for reasons that even it can’t quite put its finger on 1. It’s as if your phone suddenly decided to play hard to get with the network, leaving both sides scratching their virtual heads.

Common causes of this error

The plot thickens when we delve into the common causes of this enigmatic error. It’s not just one culprit, but a whole rogues’ gallery of potential troublemakers:

  1. The “separation bit” in the AMF field of AUTN playing hide and seek: Imagine the network sending an AUTHENTICATION REQUEST message with this bit set to 0. It’s like trying to enter a secret club with the wrong handshake 2.
  2. The serving network failing its audition: Picture your phone as a strict talent judge, and the serving network as a nervous contestant. If the UE’s home network doesn’t give the serving network its seal of approval, it’s curtains for the connection 2.
  3. The network and UE speaking different languages: Sometimes, the UE receives a message that’s as incomprehensible as ancient hieroglyphics. This could be due to:
    • Semantically incorrect messages 1
    • Invalid mandatory information 1
    • Message types that are as alien to the UE as Martian poetry 1
    • Messages that are about as compatible with the protocol state as oil is with water 1

Impact on 5G connectivity

The impact of Error Unspecified 24 on 5G connectivity is like a wrench thrown into a finely tuned machine. It can lead to:

  1. Initial context setup failure: The eNB (evolved Node B) throws its hands up in despair because no E_RAB (E-UTRAN Radio Access Bearer) exists for the UE 3.
  2. PDN (Packet Data Network) disconnect issues: Once the PDN disconnect fails, it’s like trying to reconnect to a party line that’s permanently engaged 3.
  3. IPv6 address allocation hiccups: The system might stubbornly refuse to play nice with IPv6 addresses, forcing users to stick with the tried-and-true IPv4 3.

This error essentially puts the brakes on the 5G registration process, leaving users stuck in the slow lane of connectivity. It’s like being all dressed up for the 5G ball, only to find out your invitation got lost in the mail.

Troubleshooting Steps for Error Unspecified 24

5G Registration Rejected with Error Unspecified 24 fixed

When faced with the perplexing Error Unspecified 24, users can embark on a troubleshooting adventure that would make Sherlock Holmes proud. Let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of resolving this digital conundrum.

Checking device settings

  1. Airplane mode tango: First, let’s do a little dance with the airplane mode. Turn it on, count to ten (or recite a short limerick), then turn it off again. This digital equivalent of “have you tried turning it off and on again?” can work wonders 4.
  2. The reboot ritual: If the airplane mode tango didn’t cut it, it’s time for the classic reboot ritual. This isn’t just turning your phone off and on; it’s giving it a chance to shake off the digital cobwebs and start fresh 4.
  3. 5G toggle tussle: If your phone’s stubbornly sticking to older networks, try toggling 5G on or off. For iPhones, this setting hides in the “Voice & Data” menu. Android users should look for “Preferred network type” or “Network mode” 4.

Verifying network configuration

  1. Coverage cartography: Before you blame your phone, check if you’re actually in a 5G coverage area. Use your carrier’s coverage map or the Ookla 5G Map at Speedtest.net to see if you’re standing in a 5G hotspot or a digital desert 4.
  2. Plan perusal: Make sure your carrier plan includes 5G access. It’s like trying to enter a VIP club without being on the guest list – you might have the right outfit, but you’re not getting in 4.
  3. SIM card shuffle: Sometimes, the SIM card just needs a little vacation. Turn off your phone, pop out the SIM card, turn the phone back on without it, then reinsert the SIM and power up again. It’s like a mini spa day for your phone’s soul 4.

Updating device firmware

  1. OS update odyssey: Embark on a quest to update your phone’s operating system. The latest OS version might have the secret sauce to fix your 5G woes 4.
  2. Developer mode detective work: For the tech-savvy sleuths, venture into the developer menu and look for “Prefer 5G NR Mode”. Set it to NSA + SA for optimal 5G performance 5.
  3. Firmware fiasco fix: If all else fails, consider a factory reset. It’s the nuclear option of troubleshooting, wiping your phone clean of any pesky gremlins that might be causing the error 4.

Remember, troubleshooting is an art, not a science. If these steps don’t work, it might be time to call in the cavalry – your carrier’s support team. They might have a few tricks up their sleeve that we mere mortals haven’t thought of yet.


Navigating the world of 5G can be tricky, especially when faced with errors like Unspecified 24. This pesky issue has a significant impact on 5G connectivity, causing hiccups in registration and leaving users stuck in the digital slow lane. But don’t worry – armed with the right know-how, you can tackle this problem head-on.

From tweaking device settings to double-checking network configurations, there are plenty of ways to troubleshoot this error. Remember, if all else fails, your carrier’s support team is just a call away. They might have some tricks up their sleeve to get you back on the 5G superhighway. So keep at it, and soon enough, you’ll be enjoying lightning-fast speeds and seamless connectivity.


1. How can I resolve issues with my 5G connection?
To troubleshoot problems with your 5G network, start by ensuring your device is compatible with 5G. Update your device’s software and settings, and reset your network settings. You can also test your network speed and coverage. If problems persist, contact your network carrier or service provider for further assistance.

2. What occurs during the initial registration process on a 5G network?
During the initial registration with a 5G network, once the Radio Resource Control (RRC) connection is established, the User Equipment (UE) sends a Registration Request to the network’s Core Network, specifically to the Access and Mobility Management Function (AMF). This request carries vital details such as the UE’s security credentials and its network capabilities.


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