What is ChocoEUkor App? How to Remove it?

If you are a Samsung or a Xiaomi/Mi Android phone user then you might have seen an app named “ChocoEUkor” or “ChocoEUkor Bloatware” pre-installed on your Android phone. Now you might be wondering why it is here? what is its work on the phone? and the most important one, Does it steal my phone data?

To provide answers to all of your questions we have made this article with thorough research so just go through it and find out everything you need to know.

What is ChocoEUkor App?

ChocoEUkor or ChocoEUkor bloatware is an app that runs in the background on Samsung and MI android phones.

This bloatware app was first reported on Samsung Android phones but later on, it was reported to be seen on many other Android phones such as MI. Some reports suggested that it is stealing your phone data. But does it really do that? Let’s know

What is ChocoEukor App

The ChocoEUkor app is a bloatware app. Bloatware apps are those software apps that are pre-installed on your Android devices and you don’t have any option to uninstall them.

Examples of some common bloatware apps are calculator, music player, phone dialer app, etc. Some bloatware apps are very useful for us but not all of them. If your Android phone has a lot of bloatware apps pre-installed that you are unable to uninstall then you would need to root your phone in order to remove them.

While removing the pre-installed Bloatware apps you should make sure that the app is not useful and will not harm your Android device’s operating system.

Does ChocoEUkor App Steal your Data?

If we talk about what is inside the ChocoEUkor app, ChocoEUkor app is a bloatware app that contains a variety of fonts and some non-English fonts that look like Korean fonts.

These fonts are used to type text in the Korean language. Since we all know that Samsung is a Korean company, it is pretty obvious keeping their native language fonts in the priority.

The pre-installed apps like “Weather” and “News are known for using the ChocoEUkor app on Android devices. There is no truth that the ChocoEUkor app is stealing your phone data, it is only meant for those people who know the Korean language.

If for you it is of no use, you can uninstall it after you root your phone since it has disadvantages like draining your phone battery and using up the internal storage.

*Uninstalling it is absolutely safe and won’t make any difference in your Android phone.

How To Remove ChocoEUkor App?

To Uninstall the ChocoEUkor app on your Android phone, you would need to root your phone only then you will be able to do so. After you root your Android phone, your device is now able to remove all bloatware and unnecessary pre-installed apps.

Since we want to remove the ChocoEUkor app, for that follow the simple steps given below:

1. Download the System App Remover from Google Play Store.

2. Open the app. it will start collecting all the system apps installed on your Android device.

3. Now, select the ChocoEukor app from the list of apps and tap on Uninstall and then on YES to confirm the action.

Once you implement the above steps, the app will be permanently removed from your device.

That’s it, that was all about the ChocoEUkor app and how you can remove it. We hope this article helped you with that. If you liked our content do check out our other articles too like:

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